
John H. Williamson

University of Glasgow


John H. Williamson is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Glasgow. His research interests are around machine learning for novel sensing devices, probabilistic modelling and filtering for interaction, and the use of Bayesian methods more generally in HCI. In the past he has worked on brain-computer interfaces, mobile interaction and real-time sonification. He organised the first summer school on Computational Interaction in 2015.

Luis Leiva

University of Luxembourg


Luis is a professor of Computer Science at the University of Luxembourg, where he leads the Computational Interaction research group. He holds two undergraduate degrees (Industrial Design and Industrial Engineering), an MSc in Electrical Engineering, an MAS in Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, and a PhD in Computer Science. He is the co-founder and former CTO of Sciling, an SME agency specialized in B2B Machine Learning solutions.

Bereket Yilma

University of Luxembourg

Bereket is a Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Luxembourg, department of computer science.  He is currently contributing to Brain-computer Interfaces (BCI) research in the framework of project BANANA,  Brainsourcing for Affective Attention Estimation. His research interest covers different areas of Human-Centred AI including Recommender Systems, Adaptive User Interfaces and Personalisation in the context of Smart interactive environments.

Andrew Howes

University of Birmingham

Andrew Howes is professor of HCI at University of Birmingham, UK and visiting scientist at Aalto University. His research interest is in simulation models of human decision making and the problem of how people gather information in service of complex decision making tasks. His recent work has shown that human decision making can be predicted by models that learn optimal policies with reinforcement learning.

Nikola Banovic

University of Michigan

Nikola Banovic is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan where he leads the Computational HCI Lab. His research focuses on Computational Interaction, in particular computational modeling of human behavior, interactive computational model exploration, and behavior-aware user interfaces.

Antti Oulasvirta

Aalto University


Prof. Antti Oulasvirta is a computational cognitive scientist who leads the User Interfaces research group at Aalto University and the Interactive AI research program at FCAI (Finnish Center for AI). He is an ELLIS Fellow and visiting Scotland as a Distinguished Visiting Fellow supported by SICSA.

Alexandra Ion

Carnegi Mellon University


Alex is an Assistant Professor at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science, where she directs the Interactive Structures lab. Her research and expertise lie at the intersection of human-computer interaction, computational fabrication and material engineering. Her work has been published in and awarded by premier venues, including ACM UIST and CHI.


Geraldine Fitzpatrick

TU Wien

Geraldine Fitzpatrick is Professor of Technology Design and Assessment and heads the Human Computer Interaction Group at TU Wien. She is also an ACM Distinguished Scientist, IFIP Fellow, and IFIP TC-13 Pioneer Award recipient. Previously, she was Director of the Interact Lab at the Uni of Sussex, User Experience consultant and Senior Manager at Sapient London, and Snr Researcher at the Distributed Systems Technology Centre (DSTC) and Center for Online Health in Australia. She has a PhD in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, a MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology, and a prior healthcare background including being in charge of various hospital departments including ENT operating theatres, as well as setting up a private practice.

David Lindlbauer

Carnegie Mellon University

David Lindlbauer is an Assistant Professor at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University where he leads the Augmented Perception Lab. His research focuses on creating and studying enabling technologies and computational approaches for adaptive user interfaces to increase the usability of AR and VR interfaces, with applications in casual interaction, productivity, health and robotics. Prior to joining CMU, David received his PhD from TU Berlin, advised by Prof. Marc Alexa, and was a postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zurich. He has published more than 20 scientific papers at premier venues in Human-Computer Interaction such as ACM CHI and ACM UIST and was awarded the ETH Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2018.

Dietrich Manstetten

Bosch Research

Dietrich Manstetten is a chief expert and director for Human-Machine Interaction at Bosch Corporate Research in Renningen, Germany. He received his master’s degree in mathematics and Ph.D. in computer science, both from RWTH Aachen University. At Bosch, he did research and advance development wrt to topics as system safety, traffic simulation, driver assistance, driver-vehicle interaction or human-computer interaction, and led several public-funded research projects in the field. Beside his position within Bosch, he leads the working group “Human as a vehicle driver” in the Research Association for Automotive Technology (FAT), an organization under the umbrella of the German VDA. Additionally, he is an honorary professor at the Bundeswehr University in Munich.